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The Family Adventure Book contains activities for learning different life skills. Each are vitally important and ones that families can learn together, while having fun.

Life skills and activities included in The Family Adventure Book:

-Fire Safety with the following activities:
-Stop, Drop, and Roll
-Meeting Spot
-Fire in the Home
-Can’t Get Out
-All Get Out
-Locations of Equipment
-Smoke Detector Game
-Being Around Fire

-Working Well Together with the following activities:
-Speaking Well
-Gross Gossip
-Practice Listening
-Create in Pairs
-Laughing Game
-Create a Game
-Room Clean
-Kindness Jar

-Cooking with the following activities:
-Kitchen Appliances and Utensils – What do they do?
-Dinner Etiquette
-Set the Table
-Make a Cookbook
-Use the Cookbook
-Make a Meal Plan
-Grocery Shop
-Creative Meal

-Optimism with the following activities:
-Acts of Love
-Everybody’s Optimistic Game
-You Can
-Turning Around
-Search for Happiness
-Craft or Project

-Loving Learning with the following activities:
-Favorite Books
-Find What You Love
-Learn Together
-Interesting Places
-Games Teach
-Movie Time
-Art or Science Project

-Gratitude with the following activities:
-Great Gratitude List
-Gratitude Walk
-What Would I Do?
-Daily Gratitude
-Gratitude Game

-Family Fun with the following activities:
-Outdoor Game
-Board Game
-Card Game
-Simple Game
-Day Trip
-Poor Kitty
-Your Activity
-Night Game

-Family Goals with the following activities:
-What, why, how
-Detailed Plan
-Creating a reminder
-Completing a goal