Gramma's Little Shop started when I began making things for my 2 grandchildren Malin and Parker. At the time, I sold completed items and over time I found that I really enjoyed making up the patterns so that's where I am today. My patterns are not computer drafted but hand drawn and require varying amounts of skill from basic beginner to a little more complex. If you can handle an iron, a pair of scissor and a glue gun you can make these. WHY FELT BOARDS? Felt play expands the imagination! Children will create characters, storylines, conflicts, etc. Telling a story using felt uses multiple senses. Felt boards assist with fine motor skills, social skills, memorization, independence, and language development.

Customer ratings

Love it once again ::

Product:Parts of the Heart Felt Pattern

April 14, 2020 Anne

Ordered a pattern yesterday and loved it so much I came back to order again today. Thrilled once again with the patterns and excited to make them.

Love it ::

Product:Oh Christmas Tree Pattern

April 14, 2020 Anne

Ordered a pattern yesterday and loved it so much I came back to order again today. Thrilled once again with the patterns and excited to make them.

Fast delivery and great instructions ::

Product:Creepy Crawly Bugs Felt Board Patterns

April 13, 2020 Anne

Got my pattern as soon as the order was completed. There are so many helps to help me make these that I'm completely surprised! Lots of instructions and pictures to show me exactly what to do!

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