As a mother, there are so many times when I get frustrated and feel so unappreciated.
But then, do you know what happens?
It’s hard being a mother (or father) sometimes. But it is oh so worth it!
My kids do something sweet for me. Or someone tells me something sweet that they did. Or they do something so awesomely stupid that only a truly amazing child could create that kind of havoc.
It’s so worth all the whining to hear them tell you they love you!
It’s so worth it when they give you the sweetest hug or kiss.
It’s so worth all the spills when they make you breakfast. Even if it’s leftover cookies and toast.
The trick I’ve found is to look for the good. Dwelling on unhappy moments only brings more frustration. I try to remember all the good moments when I can. When I’m not in the trenches of cleaning up another spill. Or when I’m not breaking up the millionth fight that day.
Because when I actively spend time remembering how amazing my children are, it boosts me up for the times when I can’t see past the frustration. It helps me get through it. It helps me from sinking to that awful frustrated and unappreciated state of mind.
Am I perfect at this? Goodness no. But I try everyday.
And that’s what’s important.