
My little one is starting to explore the world of words. She’s beginning to understand that letters are symbols and, when put together, letters make a bigger symbol that means something important. We look at books, read signs, menus, magazines, logos, and coupons. When I was trying to come up with a way to identify important things in her life, and put words to them, I looked to our Make a Match series for inspiration – and Label was born.

Each little tin comes with 12 word tiles, written in Montessori font to aid in letter writing and reading readiness.

Each set comes with:
12 wooden coins 1.5” in diameter
A little metal tin.

*They do not come with the pictures. This is intended to be an ADD ON to the Make a Match Memory Games. Currently Label is available to correspond with our most popular sets.
When you have Label + Make a Match Game you can use these 12 “labels” at a learning center to match the word to its corresponding picture; making a visual of both the word/symbol pair. More advanced players will enjoy playing the classic concentration game; but, instead of having double pairs of pictures, switch out a set for the Label words and help your little librarian strengthen word recognition and reading readiness.

This toy and description are property of Mama May i. I work really hard to create new toys. Please don’t copy my ideas or words for monetary compensation. Copyright MamaMayi 2008 – present

All of my creations were made with your little one in mind. Each piece was designed to nurture child development through open-ended play. These pieces can be used to broaden your little one’s understanding and knowledge of our world and were created as early educational toys. I am inspired by the teachings of Montessori; the natural beauty of Waldorf; and incorporate a myriad of other learning-through-play philosophies when I design. It makes me smile to see my made-with-love pieces being toted for use as preschool toys and in natural play settings. Thank you for helping me support little minds, bodies, and imaginations through engaging, hands-on play and discovery.

© 2008 – present by Mama May i.
All rights reserved. All products, descriptions, pictures, words, logos and, names are property of Mama May i and may not be copied, used, reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Mama May i.

For re-posting permission for Blog Features, please email Jessica Perkins at MamaMayiShop [!at]