Haggard Penguin and the Delightful World of Spreadsheets In the desert farmlands of Southern California, there lives a Haggard Penguin and her brood. By day, the Haggard Penguin teaches her daughter the important lessons of life, like how to create Excel spreadsheets and leap from icebergs into the ocean without being devoured by lurking orcas. By night, she slaves away in the Excel mines creating custom spreadsheets for businesses and other weary homeschool moms. Sleep? Who does that? When she is not teaching her brood important penguin skills or creating spreadsheets, the Haggard Penguin and her daughter enjoy making ridiculous videos, and creating even more spreadsheets for fun. If you have a project you think could be improved by a good spreadsheet (and really, the Haggard Penguin believes ANY project is improved by a good spreadsheet), send a message and we'll give you a quote for a custom spreadsheet designed to make your life easier.

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