Author: MsEmily

Finding the Right Homeschool Resources

Finding the right resources for homeschooling can feel like a treasure hunt. One where you dig and dig but don’t find things that work for you. Or you dig and find some resources that are more like fools gold. They look shiny and pretty and you use them for a while only to realize they … read more

Selling on Teaching in the Home’s Marketplace

Here’s some basic information to help you set up your own shop on the marketplace. Teaching in the Home is similar to other online marketplaces. Add your own banner, store notices, policies, and more! What can you sell on Teaching in the Home? printables learning kits digital and physical items handmade items to help with … read more

If I Showed a Little More Love

This month as I’ve been working on my 28 acts of love (from the shop Darling Discoveries) and keeping up with current events in the world, I’ve realized just how much our world needs more love. We REALLY need to make a better effort to love each other.  There are so many problems in our … read more

Teaching in the Car

Teaching in the car is one of the easiest ways to teach our kids. I have three specific ways I do this. One: Audiobooks We have LOVED listening to audiobooks in the car. We have listened to all sorts and it has been a fun way for us all to enjoy a book. It surprises … read more

Feeling Frustrated

As a mother, there are so many times when I get frustrated and feel so unappreciated. But then, do you know what happens? It’s hard being a mother (or father) sometimes. But it is oh so worth it!  My kids do something sweet for me. Or someone tells me something sweet that they did. Or … read more