Teachinginthehome.Com is a reliable marketplace for selling your teaching materials online. The site features many educational resources used all over with new ones being added daily. Users can search by subject, section and grade level for resources customized for different groups of students with many learning standards.
Teachers can make some extra cash by selling their product. One of the features from Teachinginthehome.Com is an interactive solution that allows you to sell original curricula, lesson plans, worksheets, teaching guide and assessments, among other work.
Teachinginthehome.Com marketplace is an open community with homemade professional lessons that can be delivered to students in the classroom or at home. The lessons come in a wide range of subject areas.

What Are The Benefits of Selling on Teachinginthehome.Com?
1. Staying Organized and Efficient
Creating and selling your products will help you to keep things organized, and will also encourage you to take an objective look at your own lessons. You will refine your lessons in the process, making your teaching more efficient.
2. Making a Side Income
You have already put in a lot of time creating those resources. Wouldn’t it be nice to get some extra cash from it? What better way to make additional cash and share your expertise with the rest of many parents?
3. Engaging Students
Some parents say the materials from this website are more appealing to the eye than the materials produced by publishers. This is your chance to contribute to the cause of student engagement.
4. Supporting a Movement
You are the authority on what works in the classroom or at home—not the teacher or textbook publisher. Therefore, in supporting and participating in this cause, you are helping to improve the quality of education.
You can go to Teachinginthehome.Com and upload their files to the marketplace, where parents can download the materials for a small charge. A look at the marketplace showed that the resource owner charges a little fee for their uploaded content. Acceptable file formats include Word documents, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF files and other tools.
Teachinginthehome.Com makes it easier than ever for educators to find and deliver quality interactive lessons. This will help parents to have access to different learning resources that are useful for their children.
With a few clicks, you can post your original content for sale in the marketplace. All teaching resources available in the marketplace can be presented in the classroom and shared with students on different devices, which include tablets, laptops and mobile phones.
The marketplace aligns with the boom of open educational resources, in which licensed and original content can be shared with the exact target audience you have in mind.
Sign up to sell HERE.