
These are hand drawn not computer drafted patterns to make felt cutouts to be used on a felt or flannel board. This pattern is perfect for teaching the alphabet in French! Teach either as a first language or a second language. Little children are like sponges and are excited to learn a second language. GIve them a head start now.

Why a felt board?
* Using felt pieces to retell stories gives children a visual reminder of what they heard.
* Tactile: Involves the senses – textures, sounds, colors, shapes
* Fine Motor: Hand-eye coordination and manipulation
* Auditory: Listening and hearing
* Creativity: Imagination, make-believe, music, and drama
* Language: Speaking and listening, vocabulary and reading skills

Pattern includes:
Upper and lower case letters
74 different “starts with” items including just some of the following
avion – airpane
bateau – boat
chat – cat
dent – tooth
etoile – star
fee – fairy
grenouille – frog
hibou – owl
ile – island
jupe – skirt
kangourou – kangaroo
lapin – rabbit
mouton – sheep
nuage – cloud
oiseau – bird
poule – chicken
queue – tail
raton laveur – raccoon
souris – mouse
tulipe – tulip
usine – factory
vache -cow
wapiti – elk
xylophone – xylophone
yeux – eyes
zebre – zebra

FREEZER PAPER: I use freezer paper to print and cut my patterns. It is the secret to cutting small precise pieces! Freezer paper is available as a roll in grocery stores and can be cut into 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets to print on or you can purchase precut sheets. My patterns are not intended to be cut on Cricut or Silhouette machines.